Written by Kam Kaur

Parenting Apart Consultant at The Parenting Apart Programme

Kam is an experienced Senior Social Worker with a demonstrated history of working in individual and families services over the last 20 years. Skilled in Case management, Risk Assessment, Crisis Intervention, Social Services, Public Sector, and Mental Health.  Kam has undertaken various therapeutic training, Brief Solution Focused with children, Systemic Practitioner Intermediate Level, Attachment and Narrative Therapy, Non-Violent Resistance and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Level.

Helping Parents To Put Their Children First

Separation and divorce can be a challenging and upsetting time for all involved. The relationship has ended between the adults, but their role as parents has not stopped.

It is important to make sure parents and children get the support they need.

Although there may be a lot going on and the mental and emotional demands of conflict, divorce or separation can leave people feeling overwhelmed, The Parenting Apart Programme will explore the unique challenges faced by families and will help them to identify practical strategies which will support them to navigate this specific phase in their life.

A unique programme that supports parents to communicate and form a respectful parent working relationship whilst always prioritising the emotional well-being of the child/ren. The programme reduces emotional trauma, reduces costs and lengthy Court proceedings to put in place a lasting parenting agreement that both parties agree to. This will detail all practical aspects of parenting.

The Parenting Apart Programme – How it works?

The Parenting Apart Programme (PAP) is facilitated by one of our Family Consultants offering you a supportive environment to communicate as parents, to form a respectful Parent Working Relationship, and to compile a Parent Working Agreement (PWA) which outlines all practical aspects of parenting whilst prioritising the emotional well-being of the child/ren.

The Parenting Apart Programme offers:

The Parenting Apart Programme (PAP) has been specifically designed to support you with hands on support and advice through an initial 4-week programme.

  • An initial 4-week programme.
  • One to one meetings with a family consultant to establish trust and develop a positive approach.
  • Joint meetings enable parents to begin communicating positively and proactively within a supportive environment.
  • Agreements jointly compiled that can be filed alongside Court orders if required.
  • Reviews and ongoing support to help you through the first steps of moving forward.
  • Initial one to one meetings prior to entering the Parenting Apart Programme can be held for an initial assessment.
  • Tailored, personal and hands on support, helping parents when they need it the most.
  • The programme prioritises the emotional and physical well-being of the child/ren.

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