The ripple effects of a separation can be felt far more broadly than the immediate family. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins who were all closely involved with the family pre-separation can find themselves removed and excluded, a casualty of the separation. This can feel very hurtful for the family members, and the removal of this layer of family contact will also be keenly felt by the children. The article in this section explore ways that Grandparents and other family members can still keep their ties to children during and after the emotionally sensitive time of a separation.  It is common for Grandparents to take sides, to favour their own child, but keeping a balanced view and responding to the needs of the family , will help in maintaining positive relationships.

Dr Angharad Rudkin, Child Clinical Psychologist at the University of Southampton.

The information in this section has been written by qualified and experienced professionals.

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